Sunday, October 28, 2007


this video is one that makes me laugh EVERY time i watch it.

it's set to goods (all in your head) by mates of state. great song. and from what i understand, this video was made for a contest to direct the actual video for the band. i'm pretty sure this one won. all the more reason to love kori and jason.

anyway- check it out. and you can find the actual video that this guy directed here.


blindslug said...

hey, that video rocks! how was new york and the interview? i went for the first time before i came over here, (to an interview with ernst and young, not new york) i loved it! i downloaded girltalk's bonnaroo show, it was pretty good, but nightripper just bangs hard. you seem pretty indie, i saw the dirty projectors, fuji and miyagi, pram, la batterie, and deerhoof... does that mean anything to you? or is it just a collection of the coolest mas alt.indie names youve ever heard?

Trent said...

that shit is hilarious.

blindslug said...

you know i been hearin that! good luck....