Wednesday, March 5, 2008


here are some pics of the new place. its still as mess as you can tell. but for any of you that have ever seen anywhere i have lived, itll look relatively clean. also photobooth makes everything a mirror image of what it should look like. so reverse the images in your head. because i know everyone is capable of that.

this is from the dining room looking into the living room. the door you see leads to my adorable balcony. i don't have a couch yet, so hopefully in the near future there will be one right around where that white plastic storage thing is. ikea here i come as soon as i get that first check.

so i flipped it in iphoto but added it from photobooth and can't flip it. deal.
this is my extremely small but cute kitchen. the view is from the top of the refrigerator.

this is from the front door looking into my bedroom. i usually just come in the back door by the kitchen though because the parking lot is back there. come visit me and i'll show you. and you can even watch my baby tv set. its so old and cute.

i'm not going to post any of my bedroom bc its just a bed and a dresser in a not very squared room.

also- they turned on my cable and internet yesterday. this is the first time i've ever had digital cable. it is SO RAD!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did well! And your previous blog about renewing are now going to become a tv junkie. I hope you're ready.